Learn all aspects of a successful book self-publishing business from scratch!

Read The Latest Post on Self Publishing Business

Unlock your marketing skills and learn how to drive sales to your self-published book.

Note:  Here on this website, I have documented my author’s journey and lessons that I have learned while enjoying the process. The main purpose of this blog is to save my notes on cloud and share them with new authors so that they can make a living with their self-published books. 

Sticky notes for you!

How do you improve your content writing skills?

Niche down your book title and subtitle

  • Be specific with your title, that’s where sales will begin for you as a new self-published author.
  • Remember that your title is the first opportunity to narrow your target market.

You can create your author brand through your free content.

Essentially, provide value through your free content. If they like what we say through our free content, they’ll probably also like what we have to sell.

Book marketing Blog Blogging Cosmos

Santosh Gairola

Author, Blogger and Educator

Hi.. I’m Santosh Gairola, a Self-published Author of 11 Books making a living with my writing. 

Here on this website, I am sharing what I have learned in my Author Journey, and how you can write, publish, and market your books as a self-published author.

Visit my personal Author Blog

Beena Gairola

Beena Gairola

Robotics Engineer, Blogger and fitness Enthusiast

Hi.. I’m Beena Gairola, a Robotics Engineer, pursuing my career in Robotics technologies. I have a keen interest in A.I , M.L, Computer vision and blogging.

Visit my personal Blog


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